SIKKI KALA HANDICRAFT PRODUCERCOMPANY LIMITED is a Private Company,Which C I N Number isU01110BR2020PTC048528 , was incorporatedon dated 09-Oct-2020 .
SIKKI KALA HANDICRAFTPRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies located in ROC-PATNA.
Founded in the year 2020 and incorporatedunder the Companies Act of 1956, The Sikki Kala Handicrafts Producer Company Limited (SKHPCL), headquartered in Madhubani, Bihar is the largest Sikki Grass Craft producer company in India owned and run by the Artisans for the Artisans. We serve more than 200 primary producer members in Madhubani, Bihar. It was setup to embolden the Artisans to take on the challenges of production, procurement, processing and marketing of Natural Fiber Products i.e. Sikki Grass Craft certified products in the domesticand international markets. The company aimsto cut out the middleman and hence ensures that the Artisans benefits the maximum in theend pricing of his Handicrafts produce.
Transforming Sikki Grass Craft of > 500 small & marginal Artisans of Madhubani, Bihar by2025 from means of subsistence to profitable livelihood enterprises through promotion of collectivization, branding and better positioning in the supply/value chain.
To create an umbrella support to member of SKHPCL particularly on market, financial linkages, brand development, value adding, craft extension, insurance and leverage & transfer the benefits of the economy of scale.
- To carry on the business of production, harvesting, procurement, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, export of primary production of the Artisans of SIkki Grass Craft.
- To carry on the business of processing including preserving, drying, distilling, brewing, venting, canning, and packaging of Sikki grass products and ensuring the quality and longevity.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, sale, or supply of machinery, equipment, or consumables primarily designed for the Sikki grass craft industry, catering to the needs of the artisans.
- To provide education and awareness on the mutual assistance principles to its Members and others, with a special emphasis on imparting knowledge and skills regarding the Sikki grass craft.
- To offer rendering technical services, consultancy services, training, research and development, and all other activities aimed at promoting the interests of its Members in the field of Sikki grass craft.
- To engage in the generation, transmission, and distribution of power required for the Sikki grass craft industry, revitalization of land and water resources essential for Sikki grass cultivation, their sustainable use, conservation, and communication infrastructure related to Sikki grass primary produce.
- To provide insurance coverage for Sikki grass craft producers or their primary produce, ensuring the protection and security of the artisan’s livelihoods.
- To establish welfare measures or facilities for the benefit of artisans, as determined by the Board, aimed at enhancing the living and working conditions of Sikki grass artisans.
- To engage in any other activities which may promote the principles of mutuality and mutual assistance among Sikki grass craft artisans in any other manner.
- To provide financing for procurement, processing, marketing, or other activities including extending credit facilities or any other financial support necessary to bolster the Sikki grass craft industry and the livelihoods of its artisans.